Declaration of Independence
Whether you’re celebrating July 4th with a traditional barbecue of hamburgers, hot dogs and apple pie, watching the Stars and Stripes on...

Image Power
“A picture says a thousand words….” we've all heard that cliche before. But according to neuroscience, it’s true. We all know classic...

Summer’s Right For Reflecting On Your Brand
Two dates on the calendar are natural times to stop and take stock. New Year’s is a time for resolutions and fresh starts. And summer is...

Crafting a fully realized Personal Brand is the first step. Implementing it is the most important step. What is instrumental to...

Authenticity & You
When it comes to personal branding, authenticity is one of the terms that is on the top of every list of “must-have.” In a simple sense,...

Just because January (and even February) are in the mirror, that doesn’t mean you can’t make resolutions. If there’s one lesson it’s...

Authenticity and Your Brand
Authenticity takes work. Oscar Wilde made it sound easy, “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” However, as Adam Grant points out...

Managing your Brand: Time Management Tools
Laura Vanderkam, author of 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think, embarked on a year-long effort to track how she spent her time....

Managing Your Personal Brand: Quality of Life
Life is complicated. Everyone knows that. The question, though, is how can we make life less complicated? Well, knowing your personal...

Mother’s Day: A Litmus Test for Authenticity
Of all the holidays we celebrate in the US, Mother’s Day is one of the biggest money-makers for restaurants, florists, and card shops –...