YOUR LEAP: Amii Barnard-Bahn
Amii Barnard-Bahn is Senior Vice President of Human Resources for River City Bank, the Sacramento region’s premier business bank. Amii...

YOUR LEAP: Mamie Kanfer Stewart
Mamie Kanfer Stewart is founder and CEO of Meeteor, author of “Momentum: Creating Effective, Engaging, and Enjoyable Meetings” and a...

Being a Leader and Being Led
Leadership isn’t easy. From either side. Think about when you’ve been a leader and when you’ve been led. Unless you’re the President or...

Your Leap: Nicole Tetreault
Nicole A. Tetreault, PhD is a neuroscientist, author and speaker. Here’s how LEAP has helped her: Q. What advice would you give someone...

LEAP AND YOU: The role of personal branding in the workplace
Corporations invest in employee development programs to both recruit and retain talent. Promoting employee engagement is important. Only...

Helping Female Employees Find Their Voice
Many workplace issues have come to the forefront following news reports about Harvey Weinstein and an increasing number of males in...

Are you connecting? Online presence audit lets you know
Step 3 on the path to successful branding is both the easiest and probably the most overlooked. You’ve already done the hard parts: Step...

Living Your Brand: 5 things to remember before that next post or tweet
It’s not groundbreaking to recognize that social media is vital to building and maintaining your personal brand. What is important is to...

Summer Reading List
The dog days of August can be a good time to catch up on some reading. If you’re looking to build or improve your personal brand, here...

What you get when you work with LEAP
#Workshop #PersonalBrand