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Summer Reading List

The dog days of August can be a good time to catch up on some reading.

If you’re looking to build or improve your personal brand, here are some books worth a look:

“Careergasm: Find Your Way to Feel-Good Work,” by Sarah Vermunt: For Vermunt, a speaker and founder of, wants readers to get their passion back, even - actually, especially - if it means changing careers. Using real stories, it’s a how-to book to get out of a career rut written with humorous and the occasional F-bomb.

“Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges,” by Amy Cuddy: The social psychologist and associate professor at Harvard Business School, writes about how your body language influences others and even changes the way you see yourself. Cuddy, who gained fame with her TED talk about "power poses," delves into the science underlying many fascinating body-mind effects, and teaches us how to use simple techniques to liberate ourselves from fear in high-pressure moments, perform at our best, and connect with and empower others to do the same.

“The Brand Mapping Strategy: Design, Build, and Accelerate Your Brand,” by Karen Leland: Leland, the founder and President of Sterling Marketing Group (a branding and marketing strategy and implementation firm), uses proven strategies, best practices and anecdotes from real life brand-building to give readers the tools they need to design, build, and accelerate a successful brand. Includes a blueprint process, online tactics and tips for becoming a thought or industry leader.

“The Road to Recognition: The A-To-Z Guide to Personal Branding for Accelerating Your Professional Success in the Age of Digital Media,” by Seth Price and Barry Feldman: Digital marketing experts Seth Price and Barry Feldman provide an A to Z guide with actionable advice for developing your personal brand and accelerating professional success. The 26 practical lessons are aimed at entrepreneurs, business leaders, aspiring professionals, creatives, marketers or second careerists. For those who place a lower priority on personal branding, Erica Nicole (YFS Magazine) warns: “There’s a good chance that if you’re not controlling your personal brand, someone else is.”

“CareerKred: 4 Simple Steps to Build Your Digital Brand and Boost Credibility in Your Career Paperback,” by Ryan Rhoten: Rhoten is a Personal and Digital Branding Coach, Author, Speaker and Podcaster. He promotes a 4-step DICE process to help build digital trust and credibility in your career by providing clarity in branding, positioning and marketing methods. His position: You can now earn your career credibility, or CareerKred as he calls it, globally, by intentionally building your personal brand, establishing your digital brand, providing thought leadership, and engaging with those interested in your field of study.

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